Monday, April 27, 2015

Week at a Glance: April 27-May 1

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Here is what we will be working on this week:
  • Phonics/Sight Words: CVC, blends, digraph review, new sight words: from, are
  • Reading: Features of non-fiction text
  • Writing: Poetry
  • Math: Measurement and Reviewing addition/subtraction
  • Science: Plants
  • Our class play will be Thursday, May 14th.  Please make sure you have returned the permission slip, so we can make changes if needed.
  • Our field trip to the San Antonio Aquarium is Friday, May 22nd.  Permission slips were sent home today.
  • If you would like to order a Field Day Shirt, here is the link.  I know some were having trouble with it.  Field Day will be the last week of May.  When I have more information, I will pass it on.
  • We will have our last Book Fair next week.  More information will be sent home soon.
Have a great week!

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